The Association of National Census and Statistics Directors of America, Asia and the Pacific (ANCSDAAP) was established and incorporated in 1991 in Honolulu, State of Hawaii, United States. The routine affairs of the Association have been executed by the Secretariat at the instruction of the Board of Directors.
Since its establishment, the East-West Center served as the secretariat for the members of ANCSDAAP until the 26th Population Census Conference. In accordance with the decision made at the 13th ANCSDAAP Board of Directors Meeting that was held in Mongolia in 2013, Statistics Korea (KOSTAT) has taken over the role of the secretariat.
KOSTAT, the secretariat of the Association, is striving to provide a forum for population census in Asia and the Pacific by responding to regional expectations and diverse inquiries from the international community.
The secretariat is currently managed with support from the Korea Statistics Promotion Institute (KSPI) under the direction of the Population Census Division of KOSTAT to carry out practical work related to the preparation and arrangement of the Population Census Conferences.
The 31st Population Census Conference
(Tokyo, Japan)
Relocation and registration of ANCSDAAP in Daejeon,
Republic of Korea
The 26th Population Census Conference
(Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia)
Transfer of the Secretariat to Statistics Korea
The 25th Population Census Conference
(Seoul, Korea)
The 13th Population Census Conference
(Honolulu, United States)
Establishment and incorporation of ANCSDAAP
in Honolulu, Hawaii, United States