The 32nd
Population Census Conference
Hosted bythe Association of National Census and Statistics Directors of
America, Asia and the Pacific (ANCSDAAP)
in cooperation withthe National Statistics Office of Mongolia

“New Data Sources and Technologies for the Next Round Censuses”

Day 2 Wed. Aug. 21, 2024

Day 2
Time Session Tentative Program Venue
09:15-09:30 Notice & Update Ball Room (4F)
09:30-10:45 Session 5

Utilization of Administrative Data and Partnership with New Sources

Session Chair

Oliver FISCHER, Chief, International Programs Center, U. S. Census Bureau

1. (UN ESCAP-pt. 1) Utilizing Administrative Data for the Census: Promising, but are we ready?
  • Afsaneh YAZDANI, Statistician, Statistics Division, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP)
(pt. 2) Asia-Pacific Censuses: Adapting to a Chainging World
  • Sovannaroth TEY, Associate Statistician, Statistics Division, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP)
2. The Future of Population Statistics in the United States
  • Victoria VELKOFF, Associate Director for Demographic Programs and Chief Demographer, Demographic Directorate, U.S. Census Bureau
3. Register-based Census in Korea
  • Miyoung KIM, Deputy Director, Population Census Division, Survey Management Bureau, Statistics Korea (KOSTAT)
10:45-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-12:15 Session 6

National Perspective on Recent Population Censuses

Session Chair

Minerva Eloisa P. ESQUIVIAS, Deputy National Statistician, Censuses and Technical Coordination Office, Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)

1. Singapore’s Census of Population
  • Kok Ann BOON, Assistant Director, Household Surveys and Expenditure Division, Singapore Department of Statistics
2. 2019 Population Census of Azerbaijan: Preparation Stages and Experience Gained from the Population Census
  • Etibar KHALILOV, Chief Adviser, Department of Population Statistics, State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan
12:15-13:30 Lunch (hosted by NSO Mongolia) 2F
13:30-14:30 Session 7

Utilization of Censuses: Policy Development and Research

Ball Room (4F)
Session Chair

Olivier DUPRIEZ, Deputy Chief Statistician, Office of the Chief Statistician, Development Data Group, World Bank

1. Technical Assistance Provided for the Global 2020 Round of Censuses and Reflections on the Road Ahead
  • Oliver FISCHER, Chief, International Programs Center, U.S. Census Bureau
2. From Numbers to Action: Long-term Usefulness of Census & Survey Data
  • Sula SARKAR, Senior Research Scientist, IPUMS Center for Data Integration, University of Minnesota, USA
14:30-14:45 Coffee Break
14:45-15:45 Session 8

Research Applications of Census Data: Insights from Mongolia

Session Chair

Hye-Kyung LEE, Project Manager/Senior Researcher, Korea Statistics Promotion Institute (KSPI)

1. Using Population and Housing Census Data for Research
  • Solongo ALGAA, Professor, School of Arts and Sciences, National University of Mongolia
2. Social Mobility in Mongolia between 2010-2020: Result from the Data Analysis of the Population and Housing Census
  • Otgontugs BANZRAGCH, Professor, School of Arts and Sciences, National University of Mongolia
16:00 Visit the Chinggis Khaan National Museum -

Note: The program may be subject to change.