The 32nd
Population Census Conference
Hosted bythe Association of National Census and Statistics Directors of
America, Asia and the Pacific (ANCSDAAP)
in cooperation withthe National Statistics Office of Mongolia

“New Data Sources and Technologies for the Next Round Censuses”

Day 3 Thu. Aug. 22, 2024

Day 3
Time Session Tentative Program Venue
09:15-09:30 Notice & Update Ball Room (4F)
09:30-10:45 Session 9

Planning for the Next Census Round

Session Chair

Sharon Pun Wai NG, Assistant Commissioner, Social Statistics Division, Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong, China

1. About the Planning and Organization of the 2025 Census of Population and Housing
  • Ariunbold SHAGDAR, Director of Census and Data Analysis Department, National Statistics Office of Mongolia (NSO Mongolia)
2. Planning for the Next Census Round
  • Subhash DASGUPTA, Deputy Registrar General, Office of Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India (ORGI)
3. Use Existing Administrative Data Sources for the Next Census
  • Cao VAN HOACH, Deputy Director, Department of Data Collection and IT Application, General Statistics Office of Vietnam (GSO)
10:45-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-11:20 Session 10

Closing Session

  • Batdavaa BATMUNKH, Chairman of National Statistics Office of Mongolia (NSO Mongolia)
  • Jinwoo PARK, Direcor General of Survey Management Bureau, Statistics Korea (KOSTAT) / ANCSDAAP President-elect
  • Victoria VELKOFF, President of ANCSDAAP / Associate Director for Demograhpic Programs and Chief Demographer, U.S Census Bureau
11:30-13:00 Lunch (hosted by NSO Mongolia) 2F
13:15-15:15 Cultural Visit to Tsonjinboldog (hosted by NSO Mongolia) -
17:00-20:00 Farewell Dinner at Glory Resort (hosted by NSO Mongolia)

Note: The program may be subject to change.